Boyuan Yang (杨博远) is a PhD candidate of Electrical and Computer Engineering in University of Pittsburgh. He is currently working in the Intelligent System Lab, supervised by Dr. Wei Gao.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Embedded System
- Heterogeneous Computing
Institution | Major | Degree | Time |
University of Pittsburgh | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Ph.D. | 2018.08 – |
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) | Automation (Honor Class) | Bachelor | 2013.08 – 2017.06 |
Select Publications [Full List] [Google Scholar]
Eavesdropping user credentials via GPU side channels on smartphones. [intro] [pdf]
Boyuan Yang*, Ruirong Chen, Kai Huang, Jun Yang, Wei Gao.
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2022).SpiroSonic: monitoring human lung function via acoustic sensing on commodity smartphones. [intro] [pdf]
Xingzhe Song*, Boyuan Yang*, Ge Yang, Ruirong Chen, Erick Forno, Wei Chen and Wei Gao.
Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom ‘20).ElasticTrainer: Speeding up on-device training with runtime elastic tensor selection. [intro] [pdf]
Kai Huang, Boyuan Yang, Wei Gao.
Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services (MobiSys ‘23).
Academic Service
- Reviewer of Conferences and Journals: INFOCOM, TMC, TII, IWQoS, PIMRC, etc.
- Local Chair, EAI MobiQuitous 2022
Volunteer Service
- Debian Developer, 2018 –
Please reach me via email first if possible.
University of Pittsburgh
Room 1237 Benedum Hall
3700 O’Hara St
Pittsburgh, PA 15261